This Must be the Place
August 12-25, 2023
Left Bank Gallery, Wellfleet, MA
When driving around the Cape, where I grew up, the song, This must be the place by David Byrne, often comes to mind. From its opening lines, "Home is where I want to be, but I think I'm already there..." it captures a complex feeling not of certainty but rather nostalgia, loss, and discovery. It also touches upon the nuanced emotions tied to the concept of home. I reflect upon these sentiments as I explore the elements that create this sense of place in my recent work.
The process of painting is a journey with an uncertain destination– one of searching and finding. Although each painting begins with a concept or image– often inspired by memories and sketches I've created over my years on the Cape– these initial ideas serve as a starting point. As I paint, I respond to the evolving composition and let it develop in its own way. This process enables imagery to emerge as I wait for a moment of recognition– a sense of familiarity. In many ways, for me, painting reflects the journey of life– a constant search for that elusive sense of place we all long for.
This series of paintings explore what creates a sense of place, as colors, mood, and shapes play an essential role in forming a connection with a particular time and place. Through painting, I find comfort, purpose, and a greater understanding of what makes a place truly home.
- Deborah Howard 2023
Must be a Full Moon, oil on baltic birch panel, 48”x20”, 2023