Over/Under the Surface

August 8-14, 2020
Left Bank Gallery, Wellfleet, MA

I am partial to the places where things show through - in paintings and life.”

-Susan Blood

The paintings in Over/Under the Surface simplify the landscape in both composition and palette – to bring attention to the history of the piece. Drips, spots, pencil lines, raw edges are allowed to show through, giving a glimpse of the painting process – to reveal and appreciate the unexpected and imperfect. I find these unplanned elements beautiful, especially in contrast to more resolved areas. And through this approach begin to ask – what is considered flawed and what do you allow people to see.

Left Bank Gallery has created a video walk through of the exhibit. You can view paintings that are currently available on the Left Bank website or this website. If you see a piece that interests you, we'll be happy to make arrangements for you to see see it in person.


Be… A Year in the Life